Julia Kim Smith

american as fuck

American As Fuck appropriates phrases typically associated with the right-wing and explores the boundaries and intersectionality of what it means to be an American and a patriot.
American As Fuck — Laser-cut oil board, spray paint, Size: 44 x 15"
American As Fuck — Laser-cut oil board, spray paint, Size: 44 x 15" Collection of Thomas R. Akras
American As Fuck — Laser-cut oil board, spray paint, Size: 22 x 15"
American As Fuck — Laser-cut oil board, spray paint, Size: 22 x 15"
American As Fuck — Laser-cut oil board, spray paint, Size: 22 x 15"
American As Fuck: No Weak Shit — Laser-cut oil board, spray paint, Size: 15 x 22"
American As Fuck: Be Best — Laser-cut oil board, spray paint, Size: 15 x 22"
American As Fuck — Downloadable protest poster, Size: 11 x 8.5"